
The IT-generated Competitive Advantage at Tesco

I would like to analysis the IT-generated competitive advantage at Tesco with the 4C module: Consumer, Cost, Convenience and Comunication.

With its own web Tesco Direct service, Tesco could offer better consumer-centered services. Since 1996, more and more people began to use internet in their life, especially young people, they were used to buy things on internet as well. It is their way of life.

Except for the initial cost of Dell servers and Microsoft BlackOffice which were a modest investment, Tesco spent low fees on keeping this website working. No salesperson and no rental of stores. Therefore lower price for the same goods which would be welcomed by almost all the customers.

Kinds of online services including prices comparision with competitors, trade shares, interact with the Clubcard Plus account, online ordering are very convenient for the customers and save them a lot of time and energy. Above all, most of the products sold in retail stores, such as books, milk, electronics, are products in fully competitive markets. That means, as long as you know the name of the book and its writer, the book wherever you get will be the same; as long as you know the producer and the type of the mobile, the mobile wherever you get will be the same too. It is also quite impressive that Tesco.com was made accessible to people with sight problems and hearing impaired, which not only greatly makes the life easier for the disable, but also enhances the respection to the company from normal people.

A website is the best place for the clubmembers of Tesco to discuss and for the ones who have any opinions or suggestions. Everyone needs to express, but few will go to complain in the retail stores directly while prefer to write something known by others. What's more, website is also a good promotion methods to tell the customer what new products and new incentives the retail stores are going on.

In conclusion, IT technologies do help a lot in increasing the competitive advantage at Tesco. Meanwhile, if other retail stores follow Tesco, they will have a more bloody battle since now the customer has more resources of information and comparision.


Meneame.net Case

"Is it feasible to turn Menéame.net into an economically sounding project? Under which assumptions? Imagine that you were to be hired by Menéame.net as Business Development Manager: what type of proposals could they expect from you?"

Yes, I think it is feasible to turn Menéame.net into an economically sounding project. The assumption is that the economic environment will recover soon. If all the companies experience a hard time, the internet companies will endure harder, and the new internet companies, like Menéame.net, will endure even more. Because the big companies that had demand of advertising on internet before will spend much less money on advertising now and pay attention to every penny they spend. It is quite possible that they would prefer the most famous websites instead of trying the new comers with risks.

My proposals for the business develpment are:
1. Analysis the users of Menéame.net, it is quite possible that most of them are young spanishes. They generally spend more time on internet and had more interest to go through the new spooming website.

2. Post advertisments of products that meet their interests, such as play games, sports, rock concerts. Too much advertisments will definitely make audience rate lower of the quality of the website. So the website should utilize the limited space to maximize the benefits that is to meet the users' real demand and also by this way would the companies get the best effect of their advertisments.

3. Offer services for companies to write and post news of relevant companies on Menéame.net. Under the current difficult circumstance, it is a good way to help companies cut their advertsing budges while it costs almost nothing for the website. Meanwhile, many small companies who originally could not afford the fees to advertise on the famous websites now will have a cheap way to promote themselves as well.



Quizas 可以吗?
Siempre que te pregunto 我总是一遍又一遍的追问你
Que, cuándo, cómo y dónde 何时,何地,又该如何
Tú siempre me respondes 你却总是回答说
Quizás, quizás, quizás 或许,或许,或许
Y así pasan los días 时日就这样飞过
Y yo, desesperando 我的绝望与日俱增
Y tú, tú c ontestando 而你,你却还是这样回答
Quizás, quizás, quizás 或许,或许,或许
Estás perdiendo el tiempo 你在浪费时间
Pensando, pensando 思考着
Por lo que más tú quieras 思考着什么才是你最需要的 ?
Hasta cuándo? ?Hasta cuándo? 可是,这抉择到底什么时候才是尽头?
Y así pasan los días 时日就这样飞过
Y yo, desesperando 我的绝望与日俱增
Y tú, tú c ontestando 而你,你却还是这样回答
Quizás, quizás, quizás 或许,或许,或许
Estás perdiendo el tiempo 既然你不肯承认你对我的爱
Pensando, pensando 那么我又如何能够知道你是否爱我?
Por lo que más tú quieras 你只是告诉我 ?
Hasta cuándo? ?Hasta cuándo? 或许,或许,或许
Y así pasan los días 千万次我这样问过你
Y yo, desesperando 反复追问
Y tú, tú c ontestando 而你却只是回答
Quizás, quizás, quizás 或许,或许,或许

Curso Español

despejar 澄空,澄清,把球踢出界外
despejado 晴天
reunión 聚会
mayordomo 管家

Me Da miedo
Te Dan pánico
Le placer

Se Me Da bien
Te Dan mal

Es muy bueno=Se le da muy bien=Be good at......
No consigue=Le resulta imposible
Le cuesta=Se le da mal
Le da verguenzo=Se siente ridículo

¿Qué tal se te da ......?
¿Se te da bien/mal ......?
Se me ha caido el boso.
Se me ha roto el móvil.
Se me da mal leventarme pronto.
Soy muy buena en/con las mathematicas.
delante de ......


Curso Español

indem 同上
por la casualidad 碰巧
!Qué asco! 真恶心
imperio 帝国
baja 下去
sube 上去
allí 那边
tirar 扔掉
de prisa 快
no hay problemas 没问题
naturalmente 自然地
No te preocupe por mi. 别为我担心
como tontos 像傻瓜一样
Usted sea la primera saberlo. 您将是第一个知道的人
dibujo 图画
despido 辞退
psicología 心理学
pegamento 胶水
discurso 演说,期间,过程
mente 智力,思想,想法
paquete 包裹,捆,束
confundir 是混合
de momento 目前
cociente 商数
ampliamente 扩大地
panel 控制板,镶板
trimestral 极度的,历时三个月的
metodología 方法论,教学法
acumular 蓄积,积累
pronóstico 预测,预言
protegido 保护的
tener/tomar parte en 参加
llevar la mejor parte 处于上风
llevar la peor parte 处于劣势,处于下风
avanzar 进步,前进,推进
mate 扣球,巴拉圭茶
fantasma 鬼
primordial 首要的
notar 觉察,明显,看到
ayutamiento 市政府
repercusión 影响,响应
infraestructura 基础设施
pistola 手枪
prestar 借
pretender 企图,追求
reactivar 激活,使恢复活力
precisamente 恰好地,专门地
ubicar 位于,坐落于
inmobiliario/a 不动产的
caer 掉落,坠落,死亡
afilicar 参加
cabe 靠近,贴近
antagonismo 对抗,敌对
remedio 补救,治疗
rememorar 回忆,回想
carencia 缺少,缺乏
vital 有生命力的,根本的,至关重要的
sorpresa 惊奇,令人惊喜的事
tenor 男高音
a tenor de 依照
acusada que 归咎于...的
empeorar 使恶化
pormenorizado 详细的
referencia a 参考...
contrato 契约,合同
temporal 临时的
discontinuo 不连续的
multiplicar 翻倍
un rato 一会儿
adentrar en 进入,钻研
garantía 保证,担保,保单
déficit fiscal 财政预算
escasez 缺乏,不足
contestar 回答
arrastrar 拉,拖,爬行,匍匐
arrstrado/a 艰苦的,穷困的
comportamiento 举止,行为
semejante 相像的,相似的
tejido 织物,组织
muscular 肌肉
tejo 瓦片,陶片
ágil 灵巧的,敏捷的
agravar 使恶化,加剧
aparición 出现,幻象,幻影


Curso Español

paté 无花果肉饼
ibérico 伊比利亚半岛的
atraer 吸引,引诱
chulo 粗野的,放肆的,马德里的下层居民
culpa mía 我的错
revés 反面,背面
rueda 轮子
rueda de prensa 记者招待会
falso=artificial 假的
mariscos 海鲜
lo que sea
gélida/o 严寒的
lasaña 多层肉饼
reanudar 恢复
estupendo 惊奇的
conserva 罐头
conservación 保存
congelar 冻结
congelador 冷冻箱
deteriorar 损坏
promedio 平均数
ceder 转让,减弱
índice 指数
retroceder 退让,退缩
compuesto 复合的,合成的
arriba las manos 举起手来
ambulancia 救护车
mala suerte 倒霉
allí 那里
buen chico 也可以形容雄性宠物
utilizable 可用的
a principios del 2009 2009年初
hamas 哈马斯
Franja de Gaza 加沙地带
lanzar 投,射,扔
denunciar 检举,告发,宣布
vivamente 生动地,活泼地
la mejor 最好的
en mi caso = in my case
romper el hielo 和解,破冰,打开僵局
Ya no me voy. 我不走
ciego 瞎的,头脑糊涂的
sordo 聋的,无动于衷的
fuera 滚开,走开
provenir de 来源于
proveniente 来源于。。。的
proveer 供应
proveedor/a 供应者
provechoso/a 有用的,有利的
provecho (m.) 好处,长进
buen provecho 祝你胃口好
herido 受伤的
grueso 厚的
Rosario 西班牙女摇滚歌手,主演Almodova 的电影Habla con ella
Rosa-Júrame, jurar 宣誓,诅咒
Tanto Amor


Curso Español

sea como sea = whatever
sindicato 工会
renovación 更新,恢复
convenio 协议
colectivo 集合的
cotización 日常的
desmarcar 抹掉标记,闪开对手,逃避
jornada 行程
jornal 日工资
fusión 熔化,合并
celebrar 庆祝,举行,召开
inversor/a 投资者,投资的
ocasión 机会,时机
renovar 革新,创新-renovable
recortar 修剪,剪影
recomendación 劝告,推荐
neural 中性的
dependiente 从属的,依附的,售货员
de hecho=actualmente
colocar 投资,安排
sequía 干旱,旱灾
emisión 发射,广播,发行
pesimismo 悲观主义
exigir-exigieron 要求,强求
rendimiento 效益
titán 巨人
titánico 巨大的
tira 布条
tiro 投,射击
tasa de paro 失业率
en % medias anuales 年均率
variación en %
retroceder 后退
la II Guerra Munidal 二战
profunda 深刻的
diagnóstico 诊断
presupuesto 预算
presupuestaria/o 预算的
organismo 组织
apolítico 不问政治的
aportar 投资,贡献
drásticamente 剧烈的
estimación 对已发生情况的估计
previsión 对未发生情况的预测
desfase 不合时代潮流,差别,差距
amenaza 威胁
represalia 报复
paralizar 使麻痹,使瘫痪,使停滞
batalla 战斗,斗争